Where things happen
I'm currently (August 2023) looking for work! You can get my resume here. If you've got anything that you think sounds interesting, please feel free to give me a call or email.
My name is Karl Palsson. I live in Iceland. I grew up in Australia. I worked and travelled in America. I've met lots of people from all over the world, and when I visit them, or they visit me, or when I'm out meeting new people, I've normally got a camera somewhere around. Lots of those pictures, together with the story of the trip, end up here for you to share, and even perhaps live vicariously through me :)
It's not just photos though, there's also the assortment of other parts of my life and collected wisdoms that I want to share/inflict on the world at large, from home brewing in a beer wasteland, through maps, recipes and music right on to art projects and scripts and snippets I've put together over the years.
With the rest of my time, I walk, take photos, brew beer, admire the life of the world around me, and generally just live. It's great!
If you're someone who I've actually met around the world sometime, and we don't keep in touch (more than likely my fault than yours) give me an email! Hell, come and visit me here in Iceland, you won't regret it :)
If we've not met before, then by all means, feel free to send me mails with any queries you may have, or if you want further information about anything.
Finally, if you see that special something here, prints or licenses can be produced for any of the images or artwork here.
Oh yeah, in Icelandic, I write (badly) on the furry mammoth.