Sierra@Tahoe - Late March 2001
On the last weekend in Feb, Mike and I finally made it up to the snow. We had a grand old adventure, I left the both the phone number, and the name, of our motel at home. We had a bit of an idea, and eventually found it. We purchased and learnt how to put on snow chains, (none of that weak paying a chain guy to put them on for us, we're engineers!) learnt how to drive with snow chains on, and showed a few locals how to drink like Australians at "The Hoss Hog" in South Tahoe. We skiied at Sierra@Tahoe, and had a fantastic time. Mike got ridiculously burnt. (He would go on to do the same thing on our next ski trip)
We made it!
Getting ready for a day on the slopes
And what a lovely day
Stopped for a break...
... before heading down there
Where mike ...
...proceeds to...
...carve it up.

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