After an early spring (and winter, and autumn) with nowhere near enough exercise really, the snow finally melted, and the weather was good enough to head up Esja again.
We had had a small party at work to celebrate finally getting all of our new kitchen/lounge area finished, and I left early at 5pm to go and meet up with Fabio, walk up Esja and get some exercise on.
We hiked. It was great. It was windy, but that's nothing new really. We promptly came home to let Fabio get to work, and I stopped in at the office to grab a sneaky beer to take home.
And walked back into a raging party of Bjarki, Esther, Álfhildur and Zlatozar. All the food was gone, and they'd made substantial headway into the beer stash. I hung out for a while with the crew and had a good chat. A lovely way to finish the week, and just how I like it. A good bit of stiff exercise, followed by a refreshing beer with good company. Too bad Fabio had to work :)