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Singstar at work

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Singstar! It's the end of the month, so that means the funny committee at work does "something" This month, that meant a playstation, two microphones and a few discs of singstar.

Karaoke does have a bit of a tendency to scare a lot of people, but with a group of willing people, and a playstation, so you're facing a tv, not a big audience and a prompt box, certainly seems to help. Alcohol never goes astray for these occasions either.

We had a bit of attrition early on, but some people stayed, kept singing, and led the party on into the night. I sang until I couldn't sing any more. Alice Cooper at the end of a long night was just too much for my voice. I did manage to post a "Lead Singer" score once during the night though :)

We even got Egill to sing, who'd been avoiding it all afternoon while he waited for a lift home, but ended up singing three songs, and playing in the team sing. Big cheers all round. It was a lot of fun.

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