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Irish in Iceland

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The irish boys came for a visit, to learn as much as they could in a month to be able to take over all the work for Magnet. They came in a couple of waves. Brevard, under the watchful eye of Joe came first, and we did a good job of house breaking Brevard, to the point where he now even buys a round when it's his turn. It's amazing what being trapped in another country can do to someone.

Later on, the rest of the boys turned up, and there were some dinners and some drinks from time to time. These photos cover a few nights. On the last night, we had dinner at Hereford Steakhouse. Which was great. You have a little piece of paper and a pen at your seat, and you choose what steak you want, from their steak menu, and how you'd like it. All the irish, with a good dose of mad cow fear, chose Well Done, or approaching it. The rest of us chose Rare, or approaching it. And how did they all come? Medium Rare. Steak the way the chef wants it, not the way you wanted it :) Decent steak, but not the best dining experience. Pretty much just a steak on a plate, and nothing else. Their lobster was definitely sub par.

But, final night in town, and with some of the boys never having tried Opal, including, much to my shock, both my boss and one of the new guys, it was off to find a bit of fun. We headed to Dillon, to get some live music, rock and roll, and shots.

Brevard buying a round in Cafe Rosenberg

Brevard buying a round in Cafe Rosenberg

Brevard back from the ivory worship, Ölstofan

Brevard back from the ivory worship, Ölstofan

Joe and Sean, late late at Ölstofan

Joe and Sean, late late at Ölstofan

Nick and Wayne, contemplating dinner at Austur India Félagið

Nick and Wayne, contemplating dinner at Austur India Félagið

Old school whisky, kicking back and chilling, waiting for the right drinker

Old school whisky, kicking back and chilling, waiting for the right drinker

Pétur, drinking and smoking, as soon as the sun goes down :)

Pétur, drinking and smoking, as soon as the sun goes down :)